The purpose of REACH Community is to impact communities with love and impart hope ... with a plan and a future for each person, which equals VISION. We seek to serve those in the communities around us in a consistent and practical way. We strive to connect people from all walks of life and strengthen the Family through FAMILY FOUNDATIONS; ELEVATE STUDENTS and ELEVATE HOPE
3. NURTURING (self & others)
ELEVATE STUDENTS, FAMILY FOUNDATIONS, and ELEVATE HOPE programs, which are designed to engage schools, businesses, churches, and organizations in long-term community investment with the neighborhoods around them. We do this through a customizable program that provides training, workshops, and consultation. One of our goals is to provide a safe place to build relationships with the people around us.
Family Foundations identify seven areas of our lives that will help each one of us to establish a healthy life and family. This program has been designed for workshops, training, conferences/retreats, and staff development.
1. Leadership training - volunteers, coaches, and interns.
2. Elevate Hope, Family Foundations, and Elevate Students.
3. Kamikaze Sports Camp, summer and weekend special events.
4. Ministry around the world.
5. The Ultimate Game: Youth and Family Events.
Our groups and individual opportunities are Mentoring, Discipling, and Hands-on opportunities to walk through reality topics. These topics are designed and validated to support and strengthen Healthy Families and for the prevention and intervention of child abuse, neglect, and other risk factors for all ages. This is a fun, in-depth, and encouraging opportunity for our Families, Teens, Children, and all people in our communities to make a positive difference. This program can be specifically tailor-made for your needs and audience. We desire to connect with you right where you are and meet the needs of your congregation, small group, or large event ... whether Children, Youth, Adults, or Multi-Generational. We also offer opportunities to become ELEVATE STUDENTS COACHES/ facilitators for your specific organization.
REACH Community is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Charitable Organization